Running... Again?

  If you know me you know there was a time about 10 years ago or so where I was running. A lot. At least 5 days a week and at least 5 miles a run. I wasn’t training, I wasn’t preparing for a race or a marathon. I just found myself enjoying the time spent running. I wasn’t obsessed with numbers, but I kept track of them all and liked seeing improvements in time and distances. It was good physical health and mental health. Then I tweaked my knee. Not bad enough that I couldn’t walk on it, just a tweak that told me I needed to back off of running for a little bit. So I decided on 2 weeks. At the end of 2 weeks I aborted a run very early as the pain was still there. 2 weeks became 3, became a month, became 5 years. 

Week 32 GPlus Project 52

Week 30 S Curve
On the road
I've been a little lax lately on posting my Google Plus 52 project here on the blog. The photos haven't been all that inspiring, but I suppose that's not the point of this project. So, I'll try to catch up in this post.

Week 30's theme was "S Curve" which could be interpreted many ways. I recycled an earlier shot of a road curve. I've always liked this shot because unknown to me at the time I captured a car going through the curve. My attention was elsewhere at the time.
Week 31 was silhouette. The shot I used was one that I hadn't initially intended for this theme, but it worked out better than my other ones. It's more of a partial silhouette, but it still works.

Week 31 Silhouette
Partial silhouette
And last week's theme was animals. There were plenty of cats, a fair number of dogs, but no slugs. At least until my entry came in. Is a slug an animal? This guy was by far the largest banana slug I've ever seen, which I admit isn't really saying much.

Week 32 Animals
Slow but slimy
And now I'm caught up. Tune in next week for textures.

You can view this, and the rest of my Project 52 photos here.


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